Release Notes

v1.3.2 - May 2024

  • version bump to comply with new Splunk AppInspect checks

v1.3.1 -

v1.3.0 - May 2020

  • Added extra atributes in app.conf
  • Added LICENSE file
  • Added app.manifest

v1.2.0 - May 2020

  • Added new sourcetype to adress rsyslog inputs
  • Added sourcetype renaming
  • New sourcetype pinsafe:scheduler
  • Added extractions for src_ip, user, actions missing is some events
  • Added CIM Change compliance

v1.1.0 - August 2019

  • Fixes to allow the Add-on to pass Splunk’s AppInspect

v1.0.0 - August 2018

  • Public release